A Note From The Company...
At Innovation Dance Company, we aspire to create a welcoming, supportive and cultivated environment. We look to celebrate our student's strengths as well as their accomplishments and seek to provide guidance and encouragement in areas of opportunity, with thoughtfulness and respect. We ask that all of our students and their families support our values to ensure an enjoyable and educational experience for all of our dancers.
Sincere thanks,
Miss Jessica
General Rules
​-No street shoes are allowed in the dance room at any time. Please remove all shoes/boots/sandals prior to entering the dance room.
-Food and/or chewing gum or candy is NOT allowed in the dance room. Water is allowed.
-Please be ready and on time for class meaning hair, clothing and shoes are on and ready before class begins.
-Please do not enter the dance room before designated class time out of respect for the class in session.
-Students are not to be dropped off more than 10 minutes prior to their class time and are to be picked up NO LATER than 10 minutes after their class time unless otherwise arranged ahead of time.
-Parents/guardians or siblings are NOT to be in the dance room for any reason while class is in session. The Company will notify you if there is an issue or concern in class.
-Siblings of students are NOT to be left unattended by parents/guardians at any time in or outside the dance room as the Company will NOT be held responsible.
-If the student has a cell phone, they may NOT use them during class. They are to be kept in their dance bag with the ringer silenced as to not interrupt class if a cell phone goes off. If a student has a concern where they may need to check their phone during class, they must notify the Company prior to the start of class. THIS WILL BE STICTLY ENFORCED.
-When it comes to social media, please respect the law. This includes but is not limited to defamation, discrimination, harassment, copyright and fair use. Please do not post negative comments about the Company, other schools, teachers, other students, performances, conventions or about the directors of said events. We the Company, ask that you please post responsibly.
-Most importantly, have fun!!